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Red tuna


Red tuna


Red tuna


Red tuna


Lemon Fish

In winter it looks for very deep waters and in spring and summer it approaches the coast.


In Bolonia they are usually captured in an area that goes from the end of Punta Camarinal in front of Playa del Cañuelo to the Cabo de Plata lighthouse in Zahara de los Atunes, where there is a bottom with sand and mixed ideal for these cephalopods and in turn difficult to access for trawlers.



Voracious of Tarifa - Sea bream of the Pinta


"Ravenous of Tarifa  - It is a distinctive used to differentiate the Voracious caught within the area regulated by the Fishing Plan, and which is marketed for first sale only in the Tarifa and Algeciras fish markets, from that caught by other fleets and / or outside the regulation area. changes to the font. I'm a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.


Red tuna



Every year the month of May is special on the Atlantic coast of the province of Cádiz. It is the month in which the first tunas approach the coast in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea to spawn and the municipalities of La Janda organize the Red Tuna Route. It is the time when your meat is tastiest and most appreciated. A true delicacy that is fished in the same way as two thousand years ago: the trap. A traditional and spectacular fishing art. The human being against the tuna. A fight in which the fastest and the most agile wins.


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